Prices are calculated for each trip individually. Please call or write to e-mail. To calculate price, we need accurate description of the trip, journey’s program (itinerary, dates and other information) - the company's manager will calculate the cost of your trip.

In order we could to calculate the price, please, send us the following information:

1. Dates of trip (for example, during the winter season prices are lower than on summer, travel season).

2. The required number of seats in the bus or the number of passengers (we will offer the most appropriate bus). There are different prices for different sized buses.

3. Itinerary (travel program by days). We will calculate the approximate mileage and fuel costs (buses of different sizes have different fuel consumption, as well as different fuel costs). More, for example, we should take into account several  factors- toll roads, taxes in different countries, do we need one bus driver or two, etc..

4. Bus service duration- do you need a bus for a few hours or for full day.

5. Other important factors that may affect bus rental price.

Bus rental prices


Phone: (+371) 26538342


Bus and minibus rental (with driver) in Riga, Latvia

E-mail:     Phone number: (+371) 26538342